「What seven-letter word has hundreds of letters in it? 」
✨好多時候係大公司Intern或者Grad Job面試都會遇到以上BrainTeaser問題,有小小似IQ題,答案較無凌兩可。好多同學仔覺得呢類問題好考急材,好難Prep同好易GG,但其實都唔係完全冇得準備,今次係呢篇Brainteaser大全入面我地會同大家分析Brainteaser 種類及答題方法。
如果你地黎緊有面試或者黎緊會報Intern/Grad Job(特別係Consulting同Tech Firms),呢個Article會非常有用。
- What two words, when combined, hold the most letters? - Post Office
- I always drive my customer away. Who am I? – Taxi Driver
-What seven-letter word has hundreds of letters in it? – Mailbox
- How can the numbers 6, 1, 7 and 9 be arranged to make 24? - (9 – 6) × (1 + 7) = 3 × 8 = 24
-Perform this calculation in your head, mentally adding the numbers as quickly as you can. Start with 1000 and add 40. Now add 1000. Add 30 to that, then add another 1000. Now add 20 to that result. Add another 1000 and finally, add 10 to that. What is the total? - 4,100. If you got 5,000 you‘re not alone. 96% of test subjects get the wrong answer.
Brainteasers都會出現類似Aptitude Test Logic問題,經係果啲圓形、三角形、方形排列,某個位會出現咩圖案等得。
-How many traffic lights in Hong Kong.
-How to measure the weight of an elephant without a scale
好多Candidate聽完問題之後就立即Gut Feeling沖口而出,但係好多時候題目好短,其實講出絕對答案之前,可以講多啲你會作出既Assumption同埋盡量多角度思考。
因為Brainteaser 冇絕對既答案,所以好多時候點樣去闡釋個答案遠比個答案本身重要。
最後,雖然你冇辦法預先知道面試題目,但Brainteaser 既出法不外乎食字、計數、圖畫、邏輯,上網睇多啲會幫助到你有答題既感覺。
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❗我地有好多免費Career Resources (Ap Test Samples, CV Samples, Grad Job Salary List, Big4/ Banking/ Conglomerate Interview Booklets etc.),可以去呢度Download:https://www.hkcareers.hk/coachinfree