How to use “State of Mind” to stand out from an IB final interview?

For a consecutive 7-10 day period before my IB final-round interviews, I performed below to improve my state of mind so I could be a peak performer in the interview:

1. Practice Gratitude (3 minutes)

Close your eyes and think about 3 things you’re grateful for. This exercise can switch your focus from negativity to positivity, eliminating stress, anxiety, worries and frustration.

2. Focus on Body Movement (3 mins)

Tony Robbins says, “Emotion is created by Motion”. You can use body movement to trigger positive emotions by simply jumping or dancing (with or without music). After that, surprisingly, you’ll have full of energy and feel very good.

3. (Most important tips) Visualize interview success (5-10 mins)

Close your eyes and visualize yourself preparing for the interview on the day it occurs. Imagine you get into their office. Imagine the office settings. Imagine you hear the interviewer's voice when he greets you. Imagine you are calm and you’re smiling warmly. And he is smiling back at you. As he starts to ask questions, imagine you answer them comfortably and confidently. And after the interview, imagine hearing him say something like "Welcome onboard” or receiving the “offer letter” from HR. 

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