Sell-Side M&A deal vs Buy-Side M&A deal, what do bankers really do?

Many aspire to be bankers in large corporations without knowing much. M&A is a common practice in large corporations, so it is important to know a banker’s duties in a sell-side & buy-side M&A deal.  In a sell-side deal, the bank'll market a firm to potential buyers & then helps both sides negotiate the deal & complete the sale process. There’re 4 main steps that you need to know about. The bank will: ℹ️meet with the firm & put together informational documents such as an offering memorandum, which will help market the firm for sale to potential buyers  ℹ️then create a list of potential buyers & send out an executive summary to measure interest in the deal ℹ️set a deadline for prospective buyers to submit an indication of interest, which narrows down the group. The bank will select the prospective buyers who submit acceptable indications of interest & continue to send them additional information ℹ️work with the firm to maximize the purchase price, select the winning bidder & help to negotiate the terms, finalize documentation & then announce the deal. Comment “M&A” below if you wanna know more about a buy-side deal. We’ll share the 2nd part on Mon if there’re more than 20 comments.

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