Starting your Remote Internship Soon? Top tips to be an awesome intern!

1) Demonstrate Proactivity  -Speak up what you want to be involved in -Propose work that you think needs to be done -Take responsibility for your work -Ask feedback on your work -Take responsibility -Update your supervisor regularly -Take opportunities that are offered -Record everything you accomplish 2) Be discipline & organised Act like you have an on-site internship. So, it’s important to start your workday early, dress up and have designated work space.  To fight for distractions at home, it’s good to layout your to-do-list/ work schedule and prioritise the tasks, based on importance & urgency and stick to them throughout the day. 3) Maintain good relationships with team head, team and batchmates - Your team head and team: Whether you’ll receive the return offer or not heavily relies on the appraisal report/ feedback from your team head, although the decision is usually made by directors. I suggest interns check-in regularly with your team head/ team members for feedback and work proposals. Furthermore, propose a face-to-face meeting/ coffee chat with them when you are on your 2nd/ 3rd week of internship.  - Batchmates: Normally there’ll be orientation activities for interns. Do take the chance to introduce yourself to other interns, exchange contact information and maintain a proper relationship. Because you may be involved in group projects later and the relationship is useful for exchanging ideas/ information.

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