👉 Structuring within Sales and Trading?

Structuring is poised between sales and traders, acting like a bridge between sales and traders. They design products, and the sales team will help to pitch these products to clients. Typically clients ask sales for pricing a certain complex product, and sales will go to the structurer, who will ask or negotiate with traders on the charges of the product based on the risk appetite. And ultimately, after the salesperson gets the price, they will give the price back to the client to trade, or ask them for feedback if the product is traded away. This pricing job could be viewed as the most traditional job function - the basic skill of structuring. On some other occasions, a client may demand to create a new product (e.g., for hedging) when an off-the-shelf version is not available. So structurers also provide bespoke solutions to clients.

These types of products can be divided into two categories. One is asset (hedge funds, mutual funds, and institutional clients), and the other is liability (clients are corporates and investment funds).

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