Career Planning is more important than obtaining any Free Resources -- Things you must learn during your university years

Don’t get me wrong, all free resources shared on HKCareers Linkedin/IG & those career materials that are exclusively created for our students under the Career Coaching Program are carefully prepared, hoping to provide the most useful info to u.

But unfortunately, collecting materials CAN'T get you your dream job. What you reli need to learn is how to utilise these resources & conduct career planning based on ur own interests, passion + ability. There're 4 keys to consider when formulating career plan:
1. What's your understanding of the job market?
2. Which industry do you want to engage in the future?
3. What do you want your salary & job prospects to be?
4. How could u achieve your career goal?
(That's why we'd conduct detailed Career Advising with every student who participated in our program, using our expertise to help them plan their career structurally.)

Make use of our resources wisely. Remember, an internship & even a Grad Job offer is temporary, but Career Planning is a lifetime thing.

Want me to share more career planning tips? Hit the Like button below to let me know! 


We help university students like you to get into Investment Banking, Banking, Property/ Conglomerate and Advisory/ Consulting.

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