IB Must Read Book List - What're investment bankers reading now?

There’re thousands of books about Investment Banking published each year. A Qs you might hv in mind is: how do I know what to read & if they’re useful for job hunting? As you probably don’t wanna waste time reading books that aren't useful nor relevant. So I've prepared this IB Must Read Book List for those who're interested in knowing more about iBanking: 

1️⃣ For Bond Sales:LIAR’S POKER by Michael Lewis
2️⃣ For Long-Term Capital Mgnt:WHEN GENIUS FAILED by Roger Lowenstein
3️⃣ For (Dark History of)Deutsche Bank:DARK TOWERS by David Enrich
4️⃣ For Goldman Sachs:WHY I LEFT GOLDMAN SACHS by Greg Smith
5️⃣ Wall Street Classics:AMERICAN PSYCHO by Brett Easton Ellis
6️⃣ For Quant Trade:THE QUANTS: How a small band of maths wizards took over Wall Street and nearly destroyed it by Scott Patterson
7️⃣ For girls:OPENING BELLE by Maureen Sherry
8️⃣ Investment for Beginners:SECURITY ANALYSIS by David Dodd and Benjamin Grahams
9️⃣ Deal Wars:BARBARIANS AT THE GATE by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar
🔟 For Personal Growth:PRINCIPLES by Ray Dalio

Wanna know what is essential to ace IB recruitments? Like this to start accumulating ur knowledge! 

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