Interview Questions for Asset Management/ S&T That You Must Know

If you’re preparing for asset management or Sales & Trading roles, then this article will help you hack the interview. Be it GoldmanSachs or JPMorgan, besides market-based and investment-based questions, you’ll also handle behavioral questions to test whether you’re the right fit for the team and the role itself (read attitude and ability to handle pressure).

For sales, interpersonal skills and persuasive communication are key to convince your interviewers that you can successfully pitch and rationalise with clients why particular a trade would be valuable to their interests. For trading roles, sharp technical acumen, product knowledge and a calm, collected attitude under pressure would be key to showcase. GS interview questions can be quite diverse and tough to crack.
But what are some of the questions that you MUST be well-prepared to answer for these roles? So we compiled a list for you along with tips so you can stand out from the crowd:

Why Morgan Stanley and not JPMorgan or GS?
⭕️Tip: Explain in 3 parts- discuss how you’ve had motivating and interesting interactions with the bank’s colleagues, share something unique about the firm that appeals to you and what about the program is unique (rotational program?) over others

Where is oil/gold/Apple/S&P 500 going in the next 3/6/12 months and what has caused the recent price action in the last 3/6/12 months? Would you short or buy it and if you had to use a derivative which one would you use?
⭕️Tip: Daily market news isn’t enough. Read up on weekly investment insights from fund houses and asset man. firms to understand long/short investment strategies and the rationale behind them. You’re expected to have a view on the market-driven investments that you can offer to your team, and later to clients.

Which investors do you follow or look up to the most?
⭕️Tip: This is a great way for interviewers to understand your investment style and risk-taking attitude. Are you a growth or value investor? You answer should be aligned with the firm’s investment strategy.

What are the latest trends in hedging strategies according to you?
⭕️Tip: The 3 popular hedging strategies are portfolio construction, options, and volatility indicators. Commodity options and future contracts are another alternative. Again, read up expert insights on investments and hedging to ensure you share latest trends.

What is your take on the latest economic data?
⭕️Tip: Read up on macro views on the economy and markets, including any impactful implications of pandemic/ fed reserves/ energy crisis data on  investment.

How do you value a company?
⭕️Tip: Prepare a company in advance to show how you can use discounted cash flow, transaction, and comparable analysis, or any non-traditional parameters unique to the firm.

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