How To Network Yourself into a Singapore Investment Bank?

The #Singapore market can be quite different from its other Asian counterparts. Working in a Singapore-based #investmentbank can get you exposure to deals in the emerging market economies. Since the deal flow is relatively lesser as compared to countries like Hong Kong, the competition can be much tougher to crack an IB offer. So undergrad students need to aggressively start networking early on. 

📌Here are 5 quick tips on where you can start & what you'll need in your arsenal?

1️⃣ Prepare a compelling elevator pitch: 
Include your background, what got you interested in investment banking, related internships/experiences, and anything unique and/or impressive that make you stand out- your USP. You’ll need this for practically any interaction you have with HRs, VPs, or other decision-makers.

2️⃣ Networking events: 
Especially if you haven't developed a niche or specialized skill set, try to attend recruitment events and career fairs of your target big banks, other seminars for expanding your scope by meeting professionals from boutiques and mid-sized firms as well. Target having 3-4 quality interactions per event instead of 8-10 forgettable ones. Do get a contact number or email for follow-up. Even if a connection can't help immediately, they'll be helpful later!

3️⃣ Research:
Pull out a list of investment banks and boutiques with contact numbers and email addresses. This hard work on the due diligence has its benefits- even if you get 10 responses from a list of 50 cold emails, that’s good progress. This way you don’t put all your eggs in the #bulgebracket basket. As a freshman or sophomore, investment bank experience in a boutique will still be more valuable than none! Cold calling should be your last resort (maybe if placement season’s coming to a close) but if you’re desperate, make that call, keep it short and crisp. If you get their secretary, leave a note with your contact. 

4️⃣ LinkedIn Networking: 
Do this regardless, whether you're an undergrad or more experienced. Once you’ve researched your targets (from #3), send them a connection request via LinkedIn with a short note expressing your specific interest and seek their advice to start the conversation. Reach out to senior people as well as associates because you’ll never know whose team is hiring. 

5️⃣ Consider Your Options: 
While you keep hustling for the #bulgebracketbank summer and off-cycle internships / jobs, seek out smaller firms, boutiques, even PE firms that may be hiring. Internships with private equity funds have emerged as a popular option that you can consider to get exposure to deal research and valuation.

Singapore will offer you a lot of exposure to cross-border deals given its location (read IPOs, DCM, Equity and Equity-linked products). You can get exposure to TMT, shipping and natural resources deals too. Banks like UBS are hiring for TMT specialists for their Singapore team.

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