5 Insider’s Tips to Crack The Investment Banking SuperDay

What are firms like #JPMorgan #GoldmanSachs and #Citi looking for? Once you’ve reached the final stage of #investmentbanking #interview which is what the Super Day is about, the stakes are much higher for you.

You can expect as many as 25-30 candidates in a #bulgebracket Superday whilst elite boutiques and middle markets work with fewer numbers. You’ll be meeting with VPs, Managing Directors, and other bankers who would potentially be hiring you for their team. Expect 2-3 rounds of interviews (both one-on-one as well as with 2-3 panelists) of both technical and behavioural questions.

You must do well on all the questions- but that’s the obvious bit that you don’t need us to tell you. But what we can’t stress on enough is that you must leave a lasting impression so that they remember you AFTER the interview as well. 

Since the team sits together to discuss the final hiring decision on each candidate, this positive impression will take you a long way. 

Here are 5 tips that got our students the highest responses and offers:

1️⃣ Ace your technicals: You may get case studies in some cases. While you may not be asked about LBOs, you must know your financial modeling and valuation basics, WACC, Black Scholes Model, among others.   

2️⃣ Know your news well: Go beyond the headlines so you can discuss the analysis or impact of the news. Interviewers will ask you follow-up questions on the new point so prepare yourself with market implications/ future trends/ investment decision-making. 

3️⃣ Confident personality: This may be a no-brainer but how do you project confidence? Goldman Sachs is known for hiring people with diverse backgrounds (instead of traditional finance) but what they’re looking for are well-rounded people with experiences beyond the textbook. #IBD hours are high pressure and grueling so they want to know if you are the right “personality fit” for the team. So focus on having an engaging conversation, smiling, and being affable instead of treating it as a robotic Q&A session.

4️⃣ Network: Often you are so focused on narrating the perfect answer, that you can miss the opportunity to build connections with bankers that may benefit you even a few years down the line. While you may pitch yourself to multiple bankers, focus on making 2-3 good connections who’d be interested, and get their contact information. Whether or not you get an offer, make it a point to email them later to stay in touch. Discuss market-related questions, their insights, common interests, and hobbies. 

5️⃣ Dress the part: Dress in smart formals (gray or dark blue suits for men with the colour of your belt matching that of your shoes). Ladies can opt for a dress suit or knee-length skirt with a white shirt (though you may get more leeway with colours) and black heels. Avoid a backpack and instead, carry a laptop bag or a more formal tote with a pen.

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