Job Hunting with ChatGPT and AI tools FTW!!

You already know about #ChatGPT, the game-changing AI tech that is already being implemented worldwide for various types of writing tasks.

But did you know, AI tools such as ChatGPT can help you with securing #gradjobs and #financeinternships? Here’s how to utilise them to make job hunting MUCH easier:

▶️ CVs/Cover Letters

ChatGPT can help you draft content for both CVs and cover letters. All you need to do is just provide it enough detail to work with. It will help with issues such as grammar if writing is not your forte, and it can whip up text in a matter of SECONDS. You can add keywords to have ChatGPT write in your style too. You’ll still have to go through the content it comes up with, to edit it as needed but it’s definitely going to save you a lot of time and effort.

▶️ Application Essays

Many of you will have to do application essays for jobs too, and they can be tough. Using a tool like ChatGPT can help you here. Feed it the details and give it questions like “Why Morgan Stanley” and it will help you organise information. You can then add your own detail to whatever it comes up with so that you’re not working from scratch.

▶️ Video Interview Preparation

You’re likely to get behavioural-type questions during video interviews, so you can use ChatGPT to help you draft scripts. It will aid you in terms of framing answers and doing grammar checks.

▶️ Technical Prep

You can also use an AI tool to help you with developing answers for technical questions but you have to be careful here, as this tech is still new and constantly updating based on its learnings, so it may not give you accurate information. Even before using ChatGPT, it presents you with a message saying there may be incorrect information generated. Still, it can at least help you develop frameworks for answers to get you started. If you do use it for technical questions, make sure to double-check what it produces.

💡 Remember, these tools are not perfect. Here are limitations:

❌ It can’t do interviews for you

Ultimately, it’s you doing the talking. Whilst AI tools can help you write scripts, you still have to deliver the answers! You must practice on your own. How you communicate in person or respond to answers is not something AI can help with.

❌ Unsophisticated answers

The text generated by these tools is still quite simple. These tools are reliant on past data to learn and develop so it may not know the latest market news. You MUST double-check its content and not be overly reliant on it. Use these tools to help you build a foundation to work with but don’t expect them to be perfect.

In the end, AI has a long way to go. You still need to put in the work of practicing for interviews, doing research, and developing transferrable skills. So be smart in how you use AI tools. Using them wisely can help you save a lot of time and get you ahead of the rest in terms of securing your dream role!

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