Securing several IB offers within a time crunch

Samantha was studying in the UK and was about to start her second year when she came to us (remember that students in the UK typically do 3-year degrees, which puts more pressure on them to secure a role sooner than students in the US or Hong Kong who do 4-year degrees). She was already starting to panic about securing a role in IB, and for her, deferring was not an option.

When we met with her, we realised she had a very outgoing personality which would serve her well in client-facing positions. One issue that she faced was that she didn’t have the strongest technical or product knowledge, so we developed a roadmap for her to target roles that played to her strengths, whilst also helping her to cast her net wide, just to be on the safe side. She applied for private banking, sales and trading, corporate banking, and commercial banking. We encouraged her to apply aggressively and she took our advice to heart, sending about 50+ applications.

In the meanwhile, we worked with her extensively to improve her product knowledge, as well as her ability to develop meaningful business insights so that in interviews, she could relate her insights to the bank/institution she was applying for, and demonstrate her strong analytical capabilities. We also ran several training sessions with her to help her develop ideal sales skills so that she could leverage her outgoing personality.

In the end, she didn’t get just one offer, but two amazing offers, one for sales and trading and the other for private banking with major institutions in the UK!

Pushing to prepare earlier than her peers also helped Samantha in buying time to build her CV up for global markets and even diversify her applications to investment banking roles where she could still play to her strengths.

Banks like Morgan StanleyBlackRock and Citi have already opened their applications for 2023/ 2024.

If you're targeting IB roles in UK, Singapore, or Hong Kong then the time is now to start preparing for your applications.
Our IB Career Coaching Program 2023/2024 is now open for application (for a limited time)! It’s designed for university students to get into investment banking in Hong Kong and Singapore!

Visit to find out more!

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