Ace Aptitude tests from BlackRock to UBS and more...

As you start applying for the summer analyst and graduate analyst roles across financial institutions and investment banks, remember that you will need solid preparation for the initial screening stages so that you dont get rejected too early without reaching the interview stages.

Most top banks like Morgan Stanley and Blackrock have opened their programs. Of course you must apply for multiple roles but various firms employ different aptitude test systems. So NOW is the time to start familiarising yourself with the special features of popular apt tests, common pitfalls to avoid, scoring systems (yes, wrong answers can get marks deduction 😨) and the newer AI-based screening systems. Here’s a snapshot of the popular Apt tests:

1️⃣SHL/CEB/ Gartner (Blackrock, Hang Seng, Deloitte, JPMorgan)
Cut-e (e.g. UBS, KPMG, UOB)- Very limited time, not required to finish all questions. Wrong answers will result in mark deduction, so try not to guess the answers

2️⃣Talent Q (e.g. Standard Chartered)- For the same questions, they will change the numbers for each candidates, so you cannot directly copy answers from database, must do all questions once

3️⃣GradACE (e.g. HKEx)


5️⃣CAPP System (e.g. HSBC and Jardines) - The system does not have a timer but they record the total time you take you complete the assessment

6️⃣Professional Learning Indicator: PLI system (e.g. DBS)- Very limited time, not required to finish all questions.

7️⃣Skyrise/ Pymetrics Game (e.g. PwC, EY)

8️⃣Big Boss: Oliver Wyman, Wonderlic system - Extremely difficult numerical and verbal questions

To save you from more stress, we’ve compiled comprehensive Apt test training resources and sample questions (yes, of ALL the important Apt Test systems) that proved useful to our coaching program students in beating the psychometric tests for IB / advisory / banking roles across Hong, Singapore, and the UK.:

🎯Exclusive Sample Questions: Access an extensive collection of practice questions designed by experts to simulate real-world apt tests.
🎯Comprehensive Apt Test Training: Master the critical concepts and skills required for success in the financial industry.

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